Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chapter 7 Kinetic Model Of Matter

Solid, liquid and gas. These 3 states are the basic science anyone would learn. Every matter is bound to be in one of the 3 states.

Let’s talk about the properties for each state.

Solid. It has a fixed shape and volume, normally hard and rigid which means it would need a large force to change its shape, has a high density and is incompressible.

Liquid. It has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape, has high density and is also incompressible.

Gas. It does not have a fixed shape or volume unlike solid or liquid, has low density and also unlike solid nor liquid it is compressible.

It is due to the arrangement of particles that cause the properties for each state.

In solid, the particles are arranged closely together, usually in a regular pattern, occupying the most minimum space which gave solid the property of having high density. As it is closely packed together, the particles could only vibrate about their fixed position as they are held in place by very strong intermolecular bond which is why solids have fixed volumes and shapes.

In liquid, particles are arranged randomly, slightly further apart as compared to solid which results in liquids having rather high density. Particles are free to move about but are confined within the container, it has attractive forces between particles which explains why liquid has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape.

In gas, particles are very far apart from each other as they are randomly arranged and would occupy any available space, resulting in gas having low density. Particles have very little attraction between each other and move about randomly at high speed which explains why gases have no fixed volume nor shape and yet are highly compressible.

Physics is not only about theories. It can be applied in our daily lives. In fact, it plays an extremely important role in building our world. Every structure we see, roads, bridges, houses, etc. They are all build on physics theories and formulas. Having said so, the fundamental of matters, the three states fascinates me a lot too. After reading up on it, I realize that these concepts can be applied in our daily lives to a very large extent. Let’s just take water as an example. In its solid state, it helps us to cool down things. Our drinks such as coke or sprite, ice makes them chilled hence more enjoyable to be consumed in a hot sunny weather. As for water in its liquid state, it helps to hydrate our bodies, can be used to bath, cook, wash and many more. It is even known as the source of life. Hence we can see how important it is to us. As for water in its gaseous state, steam machineries, factories, steam plays a very important role in driving these machineries to work to provide us with the luxury of not having to do the hard labour ourselves.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

hihi!!! dawn here~